Roswalt Desc: Harness, Cockring, bitted, and bound
Roswalt stands at 6'4" tall. Not as tall as some stallions, but taller then the average human or fur who wander around the area. He is broad at the shoulders, and strong in the leg, as if he works out. But he.s not a bunch of bulky muscles like most stallions are. Like a lot of horses his fur is a uniform brown, that covers him from head to toe. But unlike most anthro stallions you see around Roswalt is fully more anthro then not. His head, his tail and his fur show that his is partial horse, but he has plantigrade feet not hooves.
Starting at the top, Roswalt's head is definitely that of a horse. His nose is long, and his large eyes look off to the side, leaving a blind spot to the front. His soft fur is a nice brown, but his mane is black. A leather bridle has been placed over his head. Fitted snuggly so it's obviously been custom fitted for him. Even the final strap around his head has no buckle on it, ensuring the stallion can't remove the black leather. A rubber ball gag bit is also attached to the bridle. The rubber of the gag filling the stallions mouth, ensuring he can't talk, and the steel of the bit giving full control to whoever has a hold of his reins.Blinders have been attached to the bridle, forcing the stallion to see only straight ahead. But since his eyes point out to the side, that leaves the stallion with a very limited amount of vision. Around his neck is a black leather collar, locked inplace with a heavy brass padlock.
His broad shoulders lead down to a toned chest. Muscular without being bulky, his pectorals are well defined, along with showing a six pack of muscles of his belly. But they are not mounds of rippling muscles. His back also shows definition of muscles without being grotesque. His buttocks are more defined then the rest of his torso, his tail flicking back and forth above the crease between them. This stallion is also wearing a working harness of black leather. Starting with a wide leather belt around his waist, straps run up his spine and chest and over each shoulder to provide a strong back. More straps also run down on either side of his groin, and form a thong up his butt crack to a ring through which his tail comes through, and finally join again at the belt of the harness. The thong joins the crotch strap at an O-ring over his anus, spreading his buttocks and providing some humiliation to this stallion. While he is a stallion his balls aren't more then the size of golf balls, not the melons you see on other stallions. His shaft fully exposed from his sheath, about 8" to 10" long, and close to 2" wide. It's hard and erect, pulsing with ever beat of his heart. Keeping him hard and aroused are bands of leather around his cock and balls. One strap around both, another divides between shaft and sack, and a final one splitting his balls apart, stretching the skin, making it hyper sensitive. Like the rest of the leathers he wears, the cock ring looks to be made of one piece of leather.
The stallion's legs have bulked out obviously from running, walking or climbing stairs. It could also be because the horse's body is longer then his legs and the muscles on the limbs are shorter and look bulkier. A pair of padded leather knee pads cover his knees, each one has a pair of D-rings along the insides and outsides of the straps above and below his knees. The arms and hands are more normal, covered with the same brown fur as the rest of his body. Muscles defined, but not bulked. Strong enough for the stallion to do his job, and get him around, but that's about it. Around each wrist and ankle is a leather cuff, each with four D-rings on them, the leather is seamless with no known way to remove them. Roswalt's wrist cuffs have been bound behind his back to his harness, just at the waist belt, leaving his buttocks exposed and vunerable.