The Gods and Goddesses of Mycle

Elemental Deities

Each of the four elements have two deities.  A male and a female deitiy.

Clerical powers for elemental deities seem to be bent more on the magical side of things then on the spiritual

Air Deities

Symbol:  Wind.  Clerical medaillions have the image of a wind burst on them.

Zephyr - male

Ariennel - female

Earth Deities

Symbol:  Rock

Bakke - male

Stova - female

Fire Deities

Kruk - Male

Sisz - female

Water Deities

Lubree - male

He likes to play a lot of practical jokes. Raining on picnics, parades, etc.  He does tend to go overboard at times and this is where storms and floods come, he has a nasty temper.

Cristellia - female

Spirital Deitites

Seris (female) - Life, healing, nature, love, sex, marriage

Naluk (male) - War, distruction

Tirik (male) - Death, underworld

Tisullu (female) - Luck, skill

Hrisk (female)- Knowledge, prophecy

Wriskuik (male) Work, farming, craftsmanship

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