Naluk's Lost Love

Legend has it the god Naluk and goddess Seris were once deeply in love with each other. Now, the goddess Seris was the most beautiful of creatures to behold, her body being the epitome of physical perfection. The lass stood at 5'8" and was quite buxom and lovely to behold. Delicate, sun kissed skin was only highlighted by the flowing locks of fiery red that cascaded over shoulders and down her back to brush against her tiny waistline. Mother of the Elven race, even her ears emphasized her beauty as pixie points poked through her sultry locks from time to time.

The god Naluk, on the other hand, was quite opposite when it came to physical beauty. Standing well over 6', Naluk was big and burly, his hair being crinkled curls of black that covered most of his body, especially thickest on top of his head and on his face. Disciplined, his main focus was the perfection of the art of warfare as none could withstand his physical prowess when it came to sword fighting or hand-to-hand combat. Yet, in spite of his gruffness, Naluk had a gentle tenderness about him that only the goddess Seris could see. And it was this tenderness of spirit and soul that made Seris fall deeply in love with Naluk.

At first, the god was taken aback that one of Seris's beauty could fall in love with him. But it wasn't long before Naluk fell as deeply in love with Seris as she did with him. Yet, there was always that feeling that he wasn't good enough for her and, because of this, Naluk never admitted his love for the Elven beauty but rebuffed Seris's attempts at showing affection to him, time and again.

One can only take rejection for so long and the day came when Seris reached the point where she felt it was hopeless to try and capture Naluk's heart. Despite her best efforts to show him how much she loved and cared for him, the god continually rejected her. Finally, Seris spoke her words of goodbye to Naluk and disappeared from his life forever. Although the goddess had many lovers after that, none ever touched her heart the way the burly Naluk had.

Realizing what he had done and that he had lost the only one he would ever love, Naluk's grief became so intense that no one could approach the god for weeks in fear of his temper. Yet, the discipline of the warrior won out over the broken heart and Naluk threw himself even more into the perfection of his sword arm as his flaming black sword went on to lead the armies of the gods to even more victories over their enemies.

To this day, the name of Seris is never spoken aloud in the temple of Naluk.

After the final departure of Seris, Naluk would spend more and more time in solitude. Finding a small cleft between the mountains, he often times would spend days without end there by himself. It is there in this very cleft that the Temple of Naluk has been built.

Up one side of the canyon is a small trail that leads to a grove of woods known as Naluk's Beard. Legend has it that Naluk would spend most of his time here in deep contemplation of Seris and his lost love for her. Not being able to express his true feelings out loud, the trees could understand his grief and agony and twisted themselves into painful positions in imitation of the gentle giant.

Leading on from Naluk's Beard, the trail comes to a small waterfall and pool known as the Teardrops of Naluk. It is here, as legend has it, that Seris said goodbye forever. Having the strength of a warrior's heart, the god Naluk shed no tears. However, his sadness infused the very mountain itself and the rocks began to cry for him and his lost love.

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